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Our Mission

​We the Parish Family of St. Sebastian, Belle Vernon, serve people in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties. We are Roman Catholics of various ethnic backgrounds with strong family values demonstrating a variety of skills, trades and professions. The purpose of the parish is to glorify God by assisting the community on the “Journey of a Lifetime” through the Liturgy and Sacraments, teaching and preaching the Word of God, and witnessing to our faith. As a community of faith, we are committed to love of God and neighbor through worshiping together and serving others in caring for their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Each of us is called to strengthen and reach beyond our parish through being responsible stewards of our time, talent and treasure in the spirit of our patron, St. Sebastian.

Contact Us

St. Sebastian Parish
​801 Broad Avenue
Belle Vernon, PA 15012
Administrator: Fr. Vincent Concepcion
Phone: 724-929-9300
Parish Hall: 724-929-9982
Fax: 724-930-7611Email: [email protected]
​St. Sebastian Regional School
815 Broad Avenue
Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Principal: Mrs. Carole Aiello
Office Manager: Tiffany Miller
Phone: 724-929-5143
Fax: 724-929-3038Visit Us: www.sssbv.org

Parish Office Hours
Monday to Friday 
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Bulletin Deadline is 9:00 a.m., Monday. Please print or type all announcements.

Meet the Staff

Father Vincent Concepcion​Administrator
Father Michael ThomasParochial Vicar
​Daniel Lisovich​Business Manager
Adelle SlebodnikFaith Formation (Grade 6- Adult)
Dean Dellamalva​Coordinator of Liturgical Music
​Linda Drury​Parish Secretary
​Darleen Koury​​Bulletin/Faith Formation Secretary


There are two large parking lots located behind the church on each side of Henry Street in addition to a handicapped parking lot and ramp off Fayette Street near the west entrance of the church. Please reference the map below for parking and handicapped accessibility. 

Parking While School Is In Session
Please be reminded that with school beginning this week, the Parish Parking Lot behind the Church is not to be used for parking on the days school is in session. For  safety reasons this lot is to remain empty until after 3:30 PM on school days. School buses and parents bringing children to school need access to this lot and the children use it for recreation at lunchtime. Please use the lot below Henry Street or the lot along Fayette and Henry Streets to park your vehicle for daily Mass when school is in session.   Thank you! ​

Handicapped Parking
The area directly behind the Parish Center has five parking spaces for the handicapped. This is a very limited number and we are running short of spaces. The turn-around area is not a parking space. If you, the driver, are bringing a handicapped person to Mass, and are not handicapped yourself, please consider letting your handicapped passenger get out of the vehicle in the area behind the Parish Center, and then park your car in one of our other three parking lots. We understand this is not possible if your passenger needs your assistance getting into the Church. Thank you for being patient and helping to keep our handicapped parking available for the handicapped.